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Xautomation RT documentation

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Why Xautomation RT

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Customized solutions


Xautomation RT is a customizable suite. Its modular structure allows numerous integratable options, meeting the needs of each customer. It is suitable for all broadcasters looking for ideal solutions for their sizes and ambitions.




Constant updates


We are constantly working to keep our products updated and optimised based on the suggestions of our customers. Software updates are periodically released with bug fixing, improvements and new features to improve performance and usability.




Technical background


Xautomation RT is the software for making television and has one priority: to speed up and automate the functions of a traditional direction in a television context. We know your needs and we know how to satisfy them.







Technical assistance is one of the flagships of our offer. Our specialized consultants have always been a point of reference for our customers, followed step by step at 360°. Contacting us is very simple.